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Jerry of CO's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog / Chow Chow (long coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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About Jerry of CO

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 09-0077
  • General Color: White with Tan, Yellow or Fawn
  • Current Size: 22 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 25 Pounds
  • Current Age: 22 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Owner Experience Needed: Breed
  • Reaction to New People: Cautious
My name is Jerry and I was found wandering the streets in Colorado and ended up at this scary place called a shelter. They kept me warm and dry but it really made me scared to be there! I was at the shelter a really long time - 2 months! But finally some really nice people from ERU showed up to take me into rescue.

Since I have been in rescue, I have been working with some great trainers to help me understand how to be a great companion.  I didn't always know how to act around people and other animals.  Now, I am very well behaved and I respond really well to commands.   You would be so impressed with how much I have learned!

Because I truly was a street dog before being rescued, I am looking for a very specific type of household to live in.  I would do best in a one or two person household...I don't do well with a whole bunch of makes me nervous!  I really need an alpha owner too, someone that will help me understand my position in the household and not let me take over the leadership position!  And definitely no kids for me!  I love to play with other dogs, but they need to be at least my size or larger.  And no cats.  I see cats and small dogs as prey and have this insatiable urge to chase after them!  I think it is fun, but for some reason, they don't!  Huh...

My fur is really's got this golden tint to it and everyone is always gushing about how beautiful it is! Most of the time it is long and fluffy, but not so long ago, someone decided to  shave me and gave me a cut that makes me look like a lion.  It felt kind of strange but people really seemed to think I looked regal.  You can see pictures of both cuts here and decide which way you like me best.  

I love to go for walks on a leash, and walk really well!  Oh, and I can't forget to tell you how much I love to have my belly rubbed!  That's absolute heaven!!  If you would like more information on me, you can contact Chris at  I hope to hear from you soon!

More about Jerry of CO

Good with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Is Not Good with Kids

Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state.

If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you will have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you). Note: We may ask that you to make a donation to cover transport costs if the distance is great and we have trouble finding transport drivers.

There is an adoption fee required; and, please be aware, Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs.

Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please click the donation button below to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal and help make a difference to even one American Eskimo dog!

Other Pictures of Jerry of CO (click to see larger version):

Jerry of CO Jerry of CO Jerry of CO