American Eskimo Dog (medium coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Medium
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
Hi! My name is Powder and I am the bestest dog around. My foster mom named me that because my tail looks like a powder puff!! I love my new name, too. I was a stray until a very nice person took me in and I lived with him and his other four-legged friends for about a month. He realized that I'd have better chances of finding a forever home with a rescue so he contacted the nice people at ERU. He was VERY sad to see me go, too. And here's why: I'm housetrained, generally very quiet, I'm affectionate, I love to run and play, I ride good in the car, I like kids but not those under 6. I know how to sit and I come when called. I know how to stay, too, but not very long. How's that so far? Okay, here are my bad points: Just kidding. The only thing my foster mom has determined so far is that I'm not leash trained. And I don't like crates. I don't need one! She thinks I'm one of the best fosters she's ever had! And she even told me that she'd keep me herself but then she couldn't save any other Eskies like myself. And because I'm so great, I know she will make sure that I will only go to a very special family and home. I am a thin, leggy girl...destined to be a model. My hair will probably fill out a little more (not that it's bad!) but with a good diet and a regular brushing about once a week, I'll be ready for the run-ways! Now look at my big doe-eyes. Don't they just tug at your heart and tell you that I want to be your forever buddy? More about PowderGood with Dogs, Good with Kids Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. |