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Cherries Jubilee's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Adult  : :  Small

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About Cherries Jubilee

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Rescue ID: 06-035
  • Current Size: 16 Pounds
  • Current Age: 21 Years 4 Months (best estimate)
I have an adoption pending but many of my Eskie pals are waiting for an adopter just like you!

Hello, I'm the newest member of the "Ice Cream Kid Club" - they call me Cherries Jubilee!! But you can call me Cherry.

I've recently come into rescue but I'm already coming out of my shell. I had a bath, some really good food and a warm and soft place to sleep. I'm so glad the lady at the shelter found a rescue for me.

My foster mommy says I am the sweetest little Ice Cream Kid she's had yet. She says if it weren't for my little wagging tail, she'd hardly know I was here! I hardly make sound (but I have a funny little bark, teehee) and am very small, so I don't take up much space. I'm starting to respond to my name, too!! I really like it, my foster mommy calls me Cherry-Cherry and my tail just starts wagging.

I'm leash and crate trained and I ride really well in the car. I'm up-to-date on all my vaccinations and I'm heartworm negative and on heartworm and flea/tick prevention.

Sometimes I get to sleep on the big bed, and I'm very good--I'm also smaller than a pillow!! I haven't shown any interest in toys yet, but I really like those things called rawhides- I got a small one and started playing with it- my foster mommy started laughing at me, but I don't care, I was having fun!

I'm not quite housetrained, but we're working on that. I get along really well with other laid-back doggies but I'm not to fond of kitties. I'm more afraid of things than interested, so I'd probably run from something than attack it. I'm timid with new people and I would do best in a home without small children.

Don't wait too long, I won't be here for very long. I hear that the Ice Cream Kids get scooped up quickly. Now, enough about me, tell me about you!

So what are you waiting for!! Go fill out an application!! They have over 70 eskies in foster care all over the country!! Don't miss out!!

If you're interested in me and would like more information, please contact Deborah: You can also visit our website and sign-up to fill out an adoption application and learn more about our adoption process.

Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state.

To get me to you, we can do what's called an "Eskie Railroad," which is a group of volunteer drivers who will each drive a certain portion of the transport. We always ask that you, as the adopter, help out by taking the final leg.

If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you may have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you).

There is a $150 adoption fee required, and please be aware that Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs.

Thank you and WOOF!


More about Cherries Jubilee

Is Not Good with Kids

Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state.

If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you will have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you). Note: We may ask that you to make a donation to cover transport costs if the distance is great and we have trouble finding transport drivers.

There is an adoption fee required; and, please be aware, Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs.

Eskie Rescuers United American Eskimo Dog Rescue, Inc. is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please click the donation button below to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal and help make a difference to even one American Eskimo dog!

Other Pictures of Cherries Jubilee (click to see larger version):

Cherries Jubilee