American Eskimo Dog : : Female (spayed) : : Senior : : Small
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
I have an adoption pending! Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Peaches! I'm a very affectionate and loving miniature lady Eskie looking for a forever home to call my very own. When I came from the shelter and into foster care, I looked like a real sad sack! :o( Because of prolonged exposure to fleas, my tail was almost bald and my hair around my neck and along my back was pretty sparse (and my skin blackened from all that flea debris). My tail was also very "curly-q'd"--you know, like a pig's tail. I didn't have a whole lot of energy, and it was quite an effort for me to go up a flight of stairs. My nice foster daddy gave me a really good bath and then took me to the vet to get me all checked out. They put me on antibiotics to help my skin clear up, and they did some blood work on me. They found out I had a low thyroid level, which contributed to all of the problems I mentioned above. So now I'm permanently on thyroid medication, but it's really cheap--only about $12.00 a month. And the difference it has made in my life--well, let me tell you!! My hair is growing back like you just wouldn't believe. You can't see ANY bare skin on me at all--not anywhere. Before too long, I bet I'll have a lush and fluffy tail that I will proudly wag for my humans to show you how happy I am! My energy level has increased tremendously, and now I zoom around the yard full of pep and vim and vinegar. And my foster daddy has noticed a significant improvement in my ability to get up those stairs. I don't bound up them like my foster brothers and sisters do, but it's no longer like trying to climb Mt. Everest! Around my foster daddy's two cats, I'm quite docile, even curious, and I don't mind being around them at all. I also generally get along with the other dogs here, though I have to fess up that I really don't much care for my foster daddy's female Eskie. I guess I figured out pretty quickly that she's kind of the alpha personality in the house, and that didn't set too well with me. I get along much better with the male dogs here and even the female non-Eskie, though we've had a couple of growling matches--nothing serious, though. I might do best in a home where I'm the only dog, but that's not totally necessary, just as long as I don't have to share quarters with an alpha female. I LOVE people, getting attention, pets, ear scratches and--especially--TREATS! I'm very food motivated. You should hear me at breakfast and dinner time. My foster daddy always has to laugh, because as he's preparing everyone's food, I cry and whimper like I haven't eaten in a month! And then I spin around in circles, waiting in anxious anticipation for that bowl to be put down in front of me. My daddy says it's really quite comical. (I also spin in circles when I get excited, like when he's gathering us all to go outside to do our business and get some exercise.) My foster daddy doesn't have any human children, but when he walks me in his neighborhood I'm always very well-behaved when we meet kids along the way. In fact, I enjoy meeting everyone we pass. I'm very friendly and sociable that way. And when we get back home and daddy sits on the couch to watch TV (or just as often, fall asleep! TeeHee!), I just have to snuggle up next to him, with his arm around me. I like it when he rubs my belly and under my chin. In fact, if he tries to stop, I take my front paws and "cradle" his hand in place, so he can't stop. Sometimes I can be a bit "growly," like when my foster daddy picks me up to help me on the couch (I have trouble jumping up there on my own) or when the other dogs get right up next to me. But my daddy tells me, "Peaches, NO!" in a firm voice, and I calm right down. I have another little habit he finds pretty amusing. When we're all going outside and down the deck stairs to the back yard, I "yip" with every step I take running down the stairs. He's not sure what that's all about, and I haven't told him--after all, a lady has to have SOME mystery about her, right?! Giggle! I am leash and crate trained and I ride well in the car. I'm not an especially playful gal, though I do sometimes enjoy chasing the other dogs around the yard. But because I bark and growl at them while doing so, they think I'm trying to pick a fight with them, when that isn't the case at all. I'm really just trying to be sociable and fit in. When we all went to the dog park recently, my daddy was so proud of me because I was SO well-behaved. He kept me on the leash at first until he saw how I'd be around strange dogs, but I proved to him that wasn't necessary. I was a perfect little lady! Another thing he's very proud of me for is how well I'm housebroken. When he has to go out, all the other dogs go downstairs to a big pen in the basement, but he thinks it's wiser not to confine me with them unsupervised. So I get to stay upstairs and have the run of the kitchen and family room area. And I've NEVER made a mess in the house, even when he's been gone for hours. Isn't that just terrific? :o) Well, I've told you all about myself, so now it's your turn. (You get to do that by filling out an adoption application for me.) My foster daddy says some family will be very lucky to get me, especially if they're looking for an affectionate snuggler like I am. Don't you want a sweet girl like me, who only wants to be near you and who will even lie very quietly in your lap while you work at the computer? So hurry up and call dibs on me before someone else beats you to the punch. You'll be SO glad you did! If you're interested in me and would like more information, please contact Bill: You can also visit our website and sign-up to fill out an adoption application and learn more about our adoption process. Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. I'm in Centreville, VA with my foster daddy, Bill. To get me to you, we can do what's called an "Eskie Railroad," which is a group of volunteer drivers who will each drive a certain portion of the transport. (We always ask that you, as the adopter, help out by taking the final leg.) If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you may have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you). There is a $150 adoption fee for me, and please be aware that Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs. Love and Eskie kisses! PEACHES More about PeachesGood with Cats, Good with Kids Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. |