American Eskimo Dog / Spitz : : Female (spayed) : : Baby : : Small
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
This is a COURTESY POSTING for A Forever Home, an all breed rescue organization in Fairfax County, VA. Eskie Rescuers United cannot guarantee the temperament or health of this dog, so please send all inquiries to Karen Grinder at or e-mail her directly at Please do NOT direct any inquiries on Chelsea to Eskie Rescuers United. Thanks. AGE: 7 months old (DOB: 12/25/05--I'm a Christmas baby!) HEIGHT: Miniature-sized Eskie WEIGHT: 18 pounds (almost fully grown) SPAYED / NEUTERED: Scheduled for early August, 2006 MICROCHIPPED: Yes CURRENT ON ALL VACCINATIONS: Yes HEARTWORM STATUS: Negative ON HEARTWORM AND FLEA/TICK PREVENTION: Yes HOUSEBROKEN: Partially (I'm still learning--I AM still a puppy, you know!) LEASH-TRAINED: Partially (We're working on that too.) CRATE-TRAINED: Yes RIDES WELL IN CAR: Yes GETS ALONG WITH OTHER DOGS: Yes GETS ALONG WITH CATS: Maybe (I like to chase them and try to play with them!) GETS ALONG WITH CHILDREN: Yes, but only with kids over 6 years old FRIENDLY WITH STRANGERS: Yes WHERE I'M BEING FOSTERED: Fairfax, VA Hi, there. My name is Chelsea, and I'm as sweet and lovable a dog as you'll ever meet! I'm still a puppy, so I have LOTS of puppy energy, and I just love to play and play and PLAY! I'm a very smart little girl. I know my basic commands and I learn very quickly, and it helps that I'm very treat-oriented! I'm very responsive to my human and only want to please, so I try to learn all my lessons--and any tricks you want to teach me. :o) I love to dance on my back legs and prance around, which I will do on command! I'm currently attending puppy kindergarten, and I have a couple more classes before I graduate, but then I will need some additional obedience training, so I can learn to channel all my puppy power properly. I enjoy playing soccer and fetching the ball, so I've been accompanying my (human) foster brother to his soccer and rugby games. I've become a pretty good soccer ball handler, if I do say so myself! I also love running in circles around you, dashing in, yipping, and then running some more! I will also dash around and chase rain drops, as well as any leaves blowing in the wind. Could life get any better than that? HeeHee! I love every human I meet, so much so that I may jump up on them without permission. My foster mommy is working very hard with me to help me learn that this is not acceptable behavior, but I'm so happy to meet new people I sometimes forget my manners. It might be best if my new home didn't have young children, say under the age of 6. It's not that I don't like kids, but I'm so playful and energetic that a younger child may not understand that I only want to play. If they start running I'll chase them, which might frighten them. (The same is true about cats. If you have a kitty that loves to play with a fun-loving pup like me, then we'll do okay. Otherwise, it would be better if I weren't around cats.) I'm generally pretty reserved around new dogs when I first meet them, but once I get used to their being around, I usually get along very well with them. (I've gotten along just swell with all the other puppies in my kindergarten class!) I do have to fess up, though, that I don't like other dogs around me when I'm eating. I'm kind of food protective that way, though I will mind my human when I'm told "no" in a firm tone of voice. I'm mostly housebroken, and I'm trying so hard to learn my proper "bathroom manners." I'm used to being crated throughout the night with no accidents, and I'm always very good in the mornings when I'm let out. (I go outside immediately and do my "business.") It's during the day I need to learn better control. You see, I can get so distracted being so playful and lovable that I forget to tell you when I need to go out. Therefore, I need you to be aware of my physical limitations (you know, a not yet fully developed adult bladder) and remember to take me out regularly. I've also had a little problem sometimes with "submissive peeing" when people approach me. We think this is because I was probably beaten in my previous home for making messes in the house. Now I need to be taught by my new understanding family that I won't get punished because I wasn't trained properly, but instead will get rewarded (with praise and treats) when I do what I'm supposed to. My new family will need to have lots of patience with me and continue to work with me consistently, to reinforce my positive behavior. It would probably help if my new family was experienced with the Eskie breed, as I am your typical Eskie--though maybe even cuter! TeeHee! My foster mommy says I'm a really wonderful dog; I just need more socialization than I received from my original owners. Since I'm still so young, I shouldn't have a problem learning what is and isn't acceptable behavior, as long as my humans train and discipline me properly--firmly, but definitely kindly! I'm an extremely affectionate little girl, and I will happily snuggle with you--once I've expended my puppy energy, that is! ;o) All I want is someone who will love me with all your heart, because I can guarantee I will love you back double! Won't you consider adopting a sweet gal like me into your home? I'm waiting as patiently as I know how for that very special person or family--will that be you? Won't you hurry up and contact Karen at She can give you all the details and tell you how to fill out an adoption application for me. Just tell her Chelsea sent you! :o) Thank you and WOOF! and#9829;Chelseaand#9829; Eskie Rescuers United More about ChelseaIs Not Good with Kids Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. |