American Eskimo Dog / Spitz : : Male (neutered) : : Young : : Small
Learn more about the American Eskimo Dog.
AGE: 1 and a half HEIGHT: 14" miniature WEIGHT: 14 pounds (underweight) NEUTERED: Yes CURRENT ON VACCINATIONS: Yes HEARTWORM STATUS: Negative ON HEARTWORM AND FLEA/TICK PREVENTION: Yes MICROCHIPPED: Unknown HOUSEBROKEN: Yes LEASH-TRAINED: Yes GETS ALONG WITH OTHER DOGS: Yes GETS ALONG WITH CATS: Yes GETS ALONG WITH CHILDREN: Older Gentle (see details below) FRIENDLY WITH STRANGERS: Shy WHERE I'M BEING FOSTERED: Carlisle, PA Hi, I'm Puck! I'm named after the fairy in "Midsummer Night's Dream" because I'm going to use a little magical trickery - I'm going to make my past completely disappear and start a wonderful new life with a forever family who loves me. I'm only one-and-a-half years old and I would love to forget all about those years. You see I was surrendered to Animal Control in Delaware as a cruelty case. My owners were not kind to me, they hit me a lot and wouldn't feed me very often. If I barked, they would beat me up. The neighbors heard one of the beatings and called animal police just like on TV! I wish it was just on TV, but it really does happen. My owners said they beat me to keep me quiet because they were not allowed to have dogs in the apartment. Don't they know that eskies bark? Well I don't anymore - I've not made a peep since I came into rescue. I'm scared to make any noise. Maybe when I'm more settled and confident my bark will come back. They sure do treat me nice around here. I'm not used to that! As you can see by my pictures, I could use some "meat" on my bones. My foster mommy is trying to fatten me up because I am very underweight and malnourished. It's slow going because I just don't have much of an appetite anymore. When you go without food for so long, you really don't get hungry much. I lost my entire beautiful coat because it was matted so terribly from neglect that the groomer couldn't get the mats out. So right now I'm sporting a funky new haircut - it's nice and comfortable for the summer but I do want my gorgeous eskie coat to come back and it will. With TLC I'll get better... I promise, someday I will look like all my friends here and no more reminders of my previous life. I've recently been neutered and I tested negative for heartworm. I'm current on all my vaccinations and I'm on monthly heartworm and flea/tick preventative. I am housebroken, however, because I wasn't neutered, I have had a few marking incidents but now that I've been "snipped" that should stop in the next few weeks. I am very small - I'm only 14 inches tall and about 14 lbs. I'm a miniature eskie though, so I should be closer to 20 lbs or more. I look like I am all legs, but I have potential! I will be a beautiful American Eskimo Dog again. I walk well on a leash and I'm good in the car. It's best that my forever home has mature and gentle children and adults to help me overcome my fears and shyness - wee one's might not understand and might set me back in my progress. Because of my past, I'm timid and hand-shy - if you raise your voice or your hand up quickly I will cower because I think you're going to hit me and then I'll either run or drop to the floor like a rag. So I'm going to take some time, understanding and TLC to help me gain confidence and trust again. I have no aggressive tendencies at all and I get along swell with the other dogs here and even that darn cat! So now you now my story - will you make Puck's Midsummer Night's Dream come true? Are you my real, loving, caring and gentle forever home? If you're interested in me and would like more information, please contact Gina at: You can also click here to fill out an adoption application for me. Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state. To get me to you, we can do what's called an "Eskie Railroad," which is a group of volunteer drivers who will each drive a certain portion of the transport. (We always ask that you, as the adopter, help out by taking the final leg.) If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you may have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you). There is a $150 adoption fee required, and please be aware that Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs. Lots of Eskie hugs and kisses! and#9829;Puckand#9829;
Eskie Rescuers United
Whenever possible Eskie Rescuers United tries to adopt out its dogs locally (or at least to adopters in adjoining states to where I'm being fostered). Please note that ERU processes LOCAL adoption applications before considering those from out of state.
If I'm not local to you, as explained above, and you really have your heart set on me, you will have to make special arrangements so ERU can get me to you safely (for example, flying me to you at your own expense, or paying a transport group to drive me to you). Note: We may ask that you to make a donation to cover transport costs if the distance is great and we have trouble finding transport drivers.
There is an adoption fee required; and, please be aware, Eskie Rescuers United will not adopt out its dogs as outdoor dogs.
Other Pictures of Puck (click to see larger version):