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Percy of Bradenton, FL's Web Page

American Eskimo Dog / Pomeranian  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Small

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Please Note: This animal is listed as a courtesy to another organization. Please be sure to contact the foster/caretaker for more information about him.

About Percy of Bradenton, FL

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Size: 15 Pounds
  • Current Age: 12 Years 2 Months (best estimate)
  • Location: 34202
  • Housetrained: Yes

Hi, Percy here!

I am a fluffy, cuddly, ball of energy!  I am a male American Eskimo mix, my foster mommy thinks mixed with Pomeranian.  I only weigh 14# - I look much bigger because of my gorgeous fur coat - and I am young, maybe 2 years old.  While I may look like a Pom, my attitude and personality are all Eskie!  So.....what does that mean?
American Eskimos are an energetic, playful and alert breed, with a high intelligence and a willingness to please.  They are generally high energy, and require daily mental and physical exercise.  Most Eskies are naturally wary of strangers, and tend to be very protective of their owners.   Eskimos need to be an integral part of the family and require a firm, consistent, confident pack leader. 
Did I mention that I am high energy?  My foster mommy walks me three times a day and plays ball with me for 30 minutes in the morning and again before bed.  I love, love, love my ChuckIt! small orange ball.  I could chase it for hours, and I will always bring it back to you, to throw it for me again and again.  I love to go for walks, run and play with my ball and other chew toys.  In between all this fun activity, I like to take naps and give kisses.  
I walk pretty well on a leash, though I do like to lunge and bark at anything that moves.....pedestrians, runners, bicycles, other I do best on a sturdy leash so you have control.  My foster mommy doesn't normally recommend retractable leashes, but says they work very well with me when we go for a long walk/run around the preserve, but only where we won't encounter any distractions for me to lunge after.
I am hearing impaired.  Okay, I know what you are thinking......"Oh, I don't think I want to adopt a deaf dog".  Well, there is nothing wrong with my eyes and my nose and just ask my foster mommy, I don't miss a thing!  In fact, it took her 4 days before she realized I couldn't hear.  I am so alert and so smart, you won't even know it.  So what are the negatives?  I must always be kept on a leash (a fenced in back yard would be ideal) and I will need to be trained with hand signal commands.  I already know "sit" and my mommy is trying to teach me "no".....but I like to ignore THAT command!  On the positive side, I don't bark at every neighborhood or house noise, which is nice because otherwise, I am VERY alert - and I sure do sleep soundly.
I'm still a puppy/juvenile, so you know what that means......I have lots of energy and I LOVE to chew!  I needs lots of toys and supervised play time.  And when you're not able to supervise me, you will want to confine me in a safe area.  Oh, and my foster mommy recommends my safe area be a space with no upholstery, pillows, rugs, draperies.......did I mention I like to chew?
I am house trained and I don't mark.  My mommy takes me out about every four hours during the day, but I sleep through the night with no accidents, from 11PM to 7AM.
I get a long well with other dogs and would love a home with another dog about my age and size to play with.  Another Eskie would be heaven!  However, I might not seem too friendly initially or in a meet and greet.  True to my breed, I am fearful of strangers and other dogs, but will warm up to you after I have had a chance to get to know you.  A chicken treat always helps accomplish this!  You just need to be patient and give me some space and time, for me to get to know you and the new routine, and to feel safe.
Because of my fear of strangers and not being able to hear, I'd probably be happier in a home with just adults.  The sudden movements of small children are pretty scary.  I'm not aggressive, but when I am afraid I will growl and try to hide.  I think I look pretty fierce when I puff out my fur and I growl.  Sometimes, I don't recognize my foster mommy for a minute, and I run away and growl at her (what's up with that???) - but she just laughs and tosses a toy to me, and then I remember who she is, and I run to give her Eskie kisses!!
I give great Eskie kisses!  You might think I am trying to nip your nose, but you would be wrong!  I also love to sit on your lap and to cuddle and snuggle.  Evening TV time is my favorite time, because I get to snuggle with my mommy on the sofa.  I am a jumper, which my mommy doesn't like very much, and she has been working on teaching me not to do that.  
Eskies like to bark, and I'm no exception.  We are great watchdogs!  But sometimes neighbors don't like our barking, so I'd be happier in a home, rather than an apartment or condo.
Yes, I shed, and I will need regular grooming and weekly brushing.  And usually twice a year I will "blow my coat", and then I really fill up the house with white hairball tumbleweeds!  Better have a good vacuum!  But my long fur not only keeps me warm in cooler weather, it insulates me and keeps me cool in the heat - so please don't ever let a groomer shave me or cut me short for the summer.
Mommy feeds me twice a day, at 7:30AM and 6PM.  Each meal she feeds me 1/3 cup of Wellness Core Grain Free kibble with 1/4 can of Wellness canned.  Yum!  I love my meals.
I sure hope you love me and want to give me a wonderful forever home.  You won't regret it!  I am such a happy, well-behaved, lively, energetic little boy, with so much love and so many Eskie kisses to give you.  If you took me home today, that would be so PAWSOME!!
Percy   xxooxxoo
Percy is a courtesy post for Honor Animal Rescue, located in Bradenton, FL.  Interested adopters will need to come into the rescue to meet Percy.  For more information contact or call 941-747-4900.

More about Percy of Bradenton, FL

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Percy of  Bradenton, FL Percy of  Bradenton, FL Percy of  Bradenton, FL