Rainbow Bridge
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![]() I'll say goodnight to my best friend, my best girl, one last time today. Since August 29, 2015 Rainee has never left my side. I'll be with her until the end when a huge part of my heart goes with her. ……..Denise Barker, February 21, 2023
Rescuer-Dick Koivisto
The rescue community and the Eskies have lost one of their best friends -- on Monday, November 13th, Dick Koivisto passed away. Nancy, Dick's wife is the rescue networker of the pair, with Dick providing the daily care of the "furry herd". Nancy and Dick have the tough, special needs cases, with a fondness for spitz breeds that are either senior or have bad attitudes -- a rare type of rescuer. Nancy -- our hearts are with you and your pack. ![]() The Eskies, ERU and the Eskie Rescue Community has lost a favorite cheerleader, rescuer, and transport coordinator -- Skip Fallier of Leesburg, Florida passed away on January 25th, 2007 with his wife Carol, loving family, and beloved Eskies (Angel, Willie, Charmin' and Foxy) by his side. Skip's enthusiasm for Eskies, rescue and life was infectious and his joyful and cheerful spirit will be missed by all. The Rainbow Bridge has a new member and he's cheering us all on with the help of our pack of Eskie bridge kids. ![]() It is with a heavy heart and many tears that I write to tell you that we said “until we meet again” to our precious little soul Rocket. Our little boy, who had an unbreakable spirit, succumbed to the complications of a rare genetic disease earlier today. Rocket, originally Ghost, was posted on craiglists by a breeder in Richmond. A family purchased him and soon after also posted Ghost on craigslist. Ghost was five months old at the time and had been diagnosed with multiple cartilaginous exostoses (MCE). The family offered $100 to anyone that would take Ghost. Thankfully a woman from animal control saw the post and immediately reached out to her friend, Marsha, an eskie lover. Marsha reached out to me and I contacted the family and convinced them to let ERU take and care for Ghost. We did not take their money. Marsha retrieved Ghost and we met ½ way. The specialists said he would only live a few days, maybe a week or so. That was more than 25 months ago. We never gave up, and with the help of Dr. Andersen and team Rocket went from being unable to use his back legs to running and chasing deer and Marley (his brother) and enjoying every moment of life. Many of you met Rocket at the last annual Eskie party in Oct 2016. That was a few days after we rescued him. Many, many of you have supported us and held Rocket in your hearts over the last two years. We will never be able to thank you enough. Rocket enjoyed the R’Eskie Ranch with his brothers and sisters Francie, Scooby, Sophia, and Smokey whom have all passed on. Today they are reunited and running and playing together. Rocket is survived by Cody, Marley, Skippy, and Sampson. We will all miss his larger than life presence. It is, and will continue to be, my greatest privilege and honor to love, care and provide a home for these fantastic creatures. Run like the wind little buddy!.......Heidi Ortmeyer, November 30, 2018 Click a letter to find an animal or view all.